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So it seems to me that the Christmas of 2015 is coming to an end...

24 hours of merry-ness seemed to fly by. Like what? Where did the day even go?! By the power of Santa's reindeers, I command it to come back!

In all seriousness, I wanted to wish all you lovelies a happy holiday season!!! Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a beautiful day spent with those most important to you.

I kind of wanted to write a little something on this beautiful day to spread the cheer and happiness across the interweb. I hope you find the important things in life, like family, laughter and warm hearts, on this ordinary day that is created special by traditions. Because really, that is all today is. A day amongst the other 365 ordinary days, made different only because we made it so, that we celebrate the traditions created a long time ago - regardless of what you believe.

I think it's pretty cool, that we still celebrate something that began 2000 and something years ago (give or take). I love going to family lunches and spending time with the ones I love. Yes, I get super excited about buying presents for everyone (!!!) and opening them early Christmas morning, but the important things are still salient throughout the day. Things like... duh duhduh duuh... Familly! And friends, but they are family anyway.

So yes, that's about it from moi. Have a safe rest of the jolly season, don't hit any red bearded men on the highwyas, and enjoy the time spent with your precious family.

And enjoy these pictures of Luci in her Christmas attire. She was very excited for her own presents also!

Sio xoxo



Always smile. Even when you feel like you can't, just force yourself. 



Speak to as many people you can! There are so many humans that have such diverse stories to offer you. Find them.



Always dress with style. Adorning yourself with clothes and accessaries you find attractive make you feel confident!



Always be kind to your fellow humans. You never know what they are going through. Plus, an opportunity to create relationships. 


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