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Welcoming the New Year

And so somehow it is 2016, and the world is a little bit older, and we as humans are forced to try and grasp the idea that time is moving forwards. Even though I know that it is just another 24 hours that we fully rotate around our sun, there is something magical about the end of the old year and beginning of a new one.

It's like death and then life occurs spontaneously in the infinity between 11:59pm and 12:00am, every 365 or so days. And during that infinity last night, our year switched over to 2016.

New Yeat brings about the cliche New Years Resolutions. Personally, I love New Years Resolutions because it gives me the opportunity to tell everyone about my plans for the future! And anyone who knows me, knows that I have an undying enthusiasm for things to come (and life in general).

I think we like to plan and set goals so that we have some kind of idea of what's ahead. It creates a sense of order or direction in your life, keeping you stable. This idea of direction may very well be an illusion, but it is super important at keeping us striving for what we want. In fact, it keeps us aware of what we want.

And you know, if you're not stable, you're going to fall down. I can pinky swear on that. So go ahead and do the cliche thing and write some goals for the New Year. Focus on what you want to do instead of what you don't want to do - that is so much more exciting that writing, "don't do blah or blah or blah". Writing about what you want to accomplish makes you look forward to it!

If you're stuck on some goals, shop lift from some of these ideas. I promise not to call the police on you.

A Few New Years Resolutions:

1. Start taking more risks.

It could seriously be anything! If you're super shy in class, try and ask more questions. Talk to a random person you see sitting in a coffee shop - or maybe not, stranger danger... Literally, taking risks just means doing things out of your comfort zone, so I urge you to do whatever scares you.

2. Save money.

This is a massive one for our generation. When we want something, most of us want it then and there, we can't wait for it. Don't get me wrong, I don't see any problem with this. But if you're going to support this habit, I suggest you save, save, save. So that when you have an overwhelming desire to buy that gorgeous Macbook, or the latest edition of the play station, or that lace dress that is on sale, you actually have money for it.

3. If you like sport, set a goal to achieve some kind of personal best.

You might want to make a century in front of your small town cricket club. Or you might want to learn to do a back flip while standing on the ground.

4. If you're super into music, shoot for an achievment best too!

It could be learning to play your favourite song, or moving onto the next level of your instrument. You know what, it could even be learning to play an instrument!

5. Get Happier!

Yaaaay, my favourite. It is an abstract resolution, it can mean something different to each and everyone of you. Vowe to spend more time doing things that you love, instead of putting unnecessary amounts of pressure on yourself doing things that really do not bring you enjoyment.

6. Express what you're feelings more.

Before you cringe or roll your eyes at me, let me explain. If someone turns up to somewhere and you're excited to see them, don't bottle that excitement up in the hope that you seem 'cool', 'calm' and collected'. Go up to that person and hug them or I don't know, show your excitement by smiling and saying the generic thing; "I am excited to see you". Don't hold back any enthusiasm. Feeling appreciated is one of the best feelings in the world - so dish out a little, or alot, of appreciation.

And if you don't like something, say so. Don't do the old sodden grandpa thing and build up an arsenal of hate towards something. The only thing this achieves is frustration and you will end up thrusting that hate onto someone you love.

7. Meet new people.

Fellow humans are incredible - do you know that? You can never meet too many people, nor can you ever talk to too many people. This links into the 'taking risks' resolution I was talking about before. Open up your wall and talk to someone. ANYONE!!! Trust me, you will meet so many cool people.

Notice how I haven't mentioned anything about health...? Yes well this is an annoying one. Not because I think it is horrid to think about health. Quite the opposite. I believe people beat themselves up about not following through with their New Years Resolution to "eat clean" or whatever. If you vowe to never eat chocolate again, or whatever your favourite "unhealthy food" is, you're kind of setting yourself up for failure.

So choose something simple, and make sure you take time to appreciate each time you tick one of your goal boxes off. Every time you ask a question in class, tell yourself well done. When you cross the finish line with your fastest time yet, celebrate.

It's also important to think about what you achieved throughout the past year. So you know, think about that too (So many things to think about, oh my!). What did you achieve? What would you have done differently? You might have finished high school, or realised how much fun you have meeting new people. Seriously, anything! Learn from your past year, and bring those lessons into this new one.

Side Note:

Remember to put all of your plans into action. These resolutions aren't really going to work their magic just by sitting there on your inky page. Get up and do what you want.

Sio xoxo



Always smile. Even when you feel like you can't, just force yourself. 



Speak to as many people you can! There are so many humans that have such diverse stories to offer you. Find them.



Always dress with style. Adorning yourself with clothes and accessaries you find attractive make you feel confident!



Always be kind to your fellow humans. You never know what they are going through. Plus, an opportunity to create relationships. 


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